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Who we are

We represent different countries, different scientific schools and social experiences, but we all strive to get answers to the following questions:


  • What knowledge, approaches to assessing the observed processes, practices of solving urgent social problems can bring us closer to achieving a stable, dynamic balance in society, make our life more secure, prosperous, and happy?


  • On what principles of interaction can we achieve the necessary understanding and acceptance of values that do not contradict, but complement the cultural diversity of the inhabitants of the planet?


  • What scientific knowledge, ideological guidelines will help each of us to cope with fragmentary, contradictory, negative information?

Our Scientific Approaches

Today, people are re-examining their long-held convictions about the phenomena of the world and the way things are. Although having fixed preconceptions can help us feel oriented in the world, we need to adapt to changes when nature clearly obliges us to do so.

The world is changing around us. Everything feels outdated. Instead of continuing to replace old fixations with new fixations, we can develop a more flexible social framework that would also allow individuals to flourish within it.

People who understand positive human development will guide and lead society in this 
direction to ensure:

  • a new level of disclosure between the unity of the laws of nature and their influence on all processes of social life 


  • implementation of an interscientific conceptual synthesis of ideas about the structure of the universe, the mechanisms of perception of reality and their impact on cognition, and the whole process on social life, social activity, according to the position of a person in the world


  • formation of social consciousness to achieve harmonious evolutionary development of mankind


  • development and experimental verification of educational activity models to ensure the socialization and development of people in the new socio-cultural conditions of modern society and the impending civilizational transformation


  • implementation of the interscientific conceptual synthesis of ideas about the structure of the universe and the mechanisms of perception of reality 


  • the formation of an integral social consciousness to achieve a harmonious, dynamically sustainable evolutionary development of mankind

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