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What we do at IHUD

  • Research the evolutionary processes in humanity, integral laws of nature and their manifestation in current global processes, as well as public awareness about global issues, reasons behind them, and potential solutions.


  • Train educators, volunteers, and business teams to communicate, make decisions, manage themselves, and lead others in an egalitarian manner, benefiting all the stakeholders through inclusion, mutual consideration, and cohesion.


  • Develop curriculums to train individuals as members of society: kindergarten to adulthood. Cultivate a sense of membership in the world community: sympathy, mutual responsibility, integral social justice.


  • Conduct projects in the fields of social innovation, education, and culture, aimed at raising awareness and finding ways to overcome the current challenges humanity is facing.


  • Partner with organizations that work for a sustainable future contributing knowledge and experience in community building and conflict management.



We conduct experimental research and test practical methods to find out the conditions, opportunities and positive changes in the joint activities of people of various levels of complexity and propose a new vector of perception of reality and of relations to the world and to other people which was built by humanity in pursuit of material values.

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IHUD has its own products, services, and marketable technologies to reflect the values and priorities of the entire world community (textbooks, programs for educational structures, and self-education).

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For the practical implementation of our research, we devote our time to the development of educational programs and pedagogical methods, methodological materials, and organize training courses.

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Organization and participation in scientific conferences, self-education, professional development courses, training for a wide range of people and specialists, as well as workshops and training for managers of various levels.

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