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"None of us

is as smart as

all of us."

- Kenneth H. Blanchard

Our Team

IHUD is a global network of professors, educators, scientists, and researchers in various fields brought together from all continents to dedicate their efforts into building a body of work that develops the practical application of knowledge in the field of integral methodology of cognition and interaction in society. 


Through our actions we aim to converge scientific knowledge into an innovative understanding of how the world is changing and the need for more global unity.

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Prof. Ephraim Eliav

Chairman of Scientific Council 
and Vice-president of HUD Switzerland

Jasmin Flum

Head of Art & Culture Department
member Social Networks, Editing and Content Department and 
President  of IHUD Switzerland 

Natalie Kulgavin

Member of Social Networks, Editing Content Department  Translations Department

Kinga Orsolya Szilagyi

Member of Social media, content and editing Department
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Prof. Vladimir Krasnov

Chair, Education Department

Dr. Elliot Pines

Head of Natural Sciences Department and Member of Education Department, IE Curriculum and Research

Sergey Tukubayev

Head of the Translation Department

Pavel Sviridenko

Head of Integral Family Department
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Dr. Haim Vilevi

Head of Peace Department, Chairman and Editor of the '22nd Century International Expert Club' and IHUD Research Fellow
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Dr. Marium Abugasea Heidt

Head of Child Education Department 
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Tatiana Evonukova

Member of Humanities department
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Mary Kathleen Pirrello

Social Networks, Editing and Content Department/ Member of the Board of Directors of IHUD Switzerland 

Dr. Alex Averbakh

Chair, Department of Integral Nomology

Ernest Itzkovich 

Head of the Human Resources Department and Scientific Council Secretary
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