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Modern Architecture

Our Organizational Structure

We are united by joint actions to achieve the common goals of the participants, through the formation of effective mechanisms for interaction between research, business, government, educational and scientific institutions, including the principles of international and cross-border cooperation and public-private partnership.


Promoting the development of the market of integrated research technologies, organization of activities, upbringing and education, management and interaction based on positive convergence methods in the prevailing global conditions of societal functioning.

We combine our efforts for effective and mutually beneficial joint projects in the field of integral research, based on the constructive synthesis of new scientific knowledge, where one of the main priorities of activity is the development of programs and mechanisms for achieving the dynamic development of society and humanity. All of this is a direction of the process of socio-cultural modernization and a factor of systemic revival of society in the long-term humanistic and non-traumatic policy of transitioning to a more integral and advanced state of society and its new stage of development.

Functional departments have been created to ensure the fulfillment of obligations and the implementation of strategies, goals, and objectives. Within the IHUD community, we have: Directorate, President, Vice-President, Scientific Council, administrative department, research departments, translator department, scientific journal and publishing team, and temporary project teams.

Administrative and functional structure

The Directorate

The Directorate is responsible for the operational management of IHUD.

Main Departments

Natural Sciences Department

Foundational research of integral thinking, offering integral methodology based on the unity of the universal laws and leads interdisciplinary researches and learning programs for better understanding the world.

Social and humanitarian sciences Department

Humanities Department is the IHUD’s home for foundational research of Humanities and Sciences. It supports integral thinking across all social disciplines, offering integral methodology based on the unity of the universal laws and leads interdisciplinary researches and learning programs for a better understanding of the world.

Education Department

The Education Department develops the concept of the system of integral upbringing and education. It organizes various forms of education for those who are concerned about the future of their children and are interested in the possibility of reaching an understanding of the processes taking place in society and education

Art & Culture Department

By building a bridge between cultures, artistic expression and science, IHUD brings a new dimension to Art. Through various international projects we encourage intercultural dialogue and collaborations to create innovative experiences and new levels of sensations.

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