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The Institute for Humanity's Unified Development (IHUD) (formerly known as IWRI) advances and enriches our society by providing open access to our latest publications in scientific journals. We want to contribute to a more equitable system of knowledge that is open to all. Our papers are accessible and are free on our platform. 

Ilganaeva V.  Communication and social interaction in conditions of increasing sociality as a factor in the development of society. Вісник Книжкової палати,2022, № 6, 20-25/

Abstract: The purpose of the article is to present a constructive and conceptual picture of the interconnectedness of social communication and social interaction as medial conditions for achieving integrity and dynamic balance in society. It is noted that systemic violations of public relations and relations between people have formed a global situation of inability to carry out normal interaction in a positive vector. The communication saturation of social interaction is only a consequence of the evolutionary need of society to move to a new level of interaction of social attractors, all elementary and institutional subjects of social action. It is proposed to consider interaction in the social system as a medial factor of integration and development of society and its subsystems in the vector of achieving the necessary integrity and dynamic equilibrium. At the same time, social communication is a systemic tool for achieving the desired state, the possibilities, features and conditions for social interaction to fulfill its evolutionary functional purpose as a medial factor of the functioning and development of the social system are formulated.

Social Communications: a dictionary-reference book (К., 2022. В Ільганаєва, украинский).

Ilganayeva V. (2022) 

Social Interaction in the Integral Development of Society and Humanity


Abstract: The problematic situation is that the human community is a multidimensional, multipolar, fragmented community. It lacks a unified understanding of the general historical retrospective and prospects, development strategies, and approaches to solving life problems.


Discussion issues  

1. Why the sphere of interaction is vital?  

2. What are the reasons for the continued inaccessibility of dynamic equilibrium in Society and its subsystems?

3. How to bring the whole society to contribute as a single mechanism to achieve a relatively dynamic balance in the living space of people.



The violation of laws, conditions and principles of interaction in human society is one of the strongest signals of the crisis of sociality and humanity. The result of this violation is the separation of people, primarily in the family, team, states, humanity and the global social system. Without correlating the goals and means of achieving them with a common benefit for the whole society, it is simply a waste of the resources of society and Nature, aggravating gaps and fractures in the space of social interaction and human relations.

In order to prepare people and society for a new perception of reality, it is necessary to widely disseminate knowledge and practices of acquiring skills for establishing new relationships in a positive convergence of goals, desires, intentions and behavior regarding the vision of the integrity of the human community and solving urgent evolutionary tasks, regardless of group and individual ambitions.


Integral Strategies for Reforming Upbringing and Education

Ilganayeva V. (2019) Integrované strategie pro reformu výchovy a vzdělávání. Media4u Magazine. Vol. 16 Issue 1, p1-4.

Abstract: The conditions of formation of education reform strategies are considered. The work highlights that the contradictions of content and communication in education are developing against the background of the formation of a new stage of civilizational development - culture of media.

Communicative competency in the conditions of media modernity

Ilganayeva V. (2018) Communicative competency in the conditions of media modernity. Média a vzdělávání 2018 – Media and Education 2018. Vol.35. pp. 70-74.

Abstract: The work considers the objective reason and the essential meaning of communicative competence in education. It proposes a joint search for methods that provide reaching an agreement for all participants of the educational process.

Integrality – The Way of Reconciliation of Science and Education

Ilganayeva V. (2017) Integrality – The Way of Reconciliation of Science and Education. Média a vzdělávání 2017 – Media and Education 2017. Vol.33. pp. 56-59.

Abstract: Science and education should become main transfer subsystems of social consciousness to a new level of the development of human civilization. Only by the dissemination of integral worldview humanity can prepare our world to a new perception.

Local Government Management from the Perspective of Strengthening of the Communication Aspects of the Activity

Ilganayeva V. (2016) Local government management from the perspective of strengthening of the communication aspects of the activity. Local government in selected central and eastern european countries experiences reforms and determinats of development. UMCS. Рр. 201-219.

Communication Importance of Information and Knowledge in the Educational Process

Ilganayeva V. (2015) Communication importance of information and knowledge in the educational process. Média a vzdělávání 2015 – Media and Education 2015. Vol.25. pp. 96-99.

Abstract: The paper defines the reasons of imbalance between information– communication environment and the results of the formation of quality communication interaction between participants of educational process. The problem of broadcasting of information and knowledge in education is updated. Some constructive elements of knowledge representation corresponding to the level of development of communication relations are suggested.

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