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World NGO Day 2023

Today is the International NGO Day. It is estimated that there are more than 10 million non-profit organizations around the world that contribute to improving people's living conditions and empowering our society to build a more harmonious and just world.

We welcome all the efforts of our volunteers and other non-profit organizations who devote their time to improving our society. At the same time, it should be noted that many efforts and means combined to achieve significant changes do not achieve the desired result. Collective actions are always accompanied by the awareness of all participants of the association of goals, for which people come together and can understand the integral immutability of interaction between themselves and other NGOs, if their goals and objectives coincide. This is the most essential part of the desired changes.

We are an interconnected human society, and each of us influences everyone else.

The lack of proper links between NGO movement participants, explains why so many large projects funded with huge resources, have not yet led to the desired global changes. Indeed, no matter how big the project is and how many resources are used, the most important element is a common sense of belonging to a single civilization, part of the common culture of which is the knowledge of how to work together, not excluding differences, but overcoming them.

We are interconnected, and our strengths stem from our synergy. If we find creative and mutually beneficial ways to use our opposites and differences, this will lead all humanitarian projects to the desired success.

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