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Classical Music

“Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable.”
– Leonard Bernstein

Music is one of the most primal and fundamental aspects of human culture. It is the universal language of mankind” (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow). Where words can't reach - music does. And so the vibrations of sounds have the ability to penetrate and transform us by awakening intense and profound emotional reactions. Schopenhauer said, “The inexpressible depth of music … easy to understand and yet so inexplicable, is due to the fact that it reproduces all of the emotions of our innermost being, but entirely without reality and remote from its pain … Music expresses only the quintessence of life and of its events; never these themselves.” 

Musical Expression


The Lux Mundi Project

Lux Mundi is a musical project that was initiated in December 2018 in collaboration with the Sunlite Events Organization in Geneva. The desire was to bring together various artists, who would create artistic themes inspired by the story of the birth of the Sun, which is a reflection of timelessness.


By telling a silent story that develops itself through the melodies to the emotions and imaginations of each guest, the idea is to leave room for each person's own interpretation of what eternity evokes in each mind. Combining opera singing, classical music, diverse scenic arts of dance and fire manipulation, the Lux Mundi expressions are unique in its genre and evolve over time.


Pedagogical Approach

In each new artistic expression of Lux Mundi, professionals from diverse fields are invited to join our project by sharing their knowledge and experience in the artistic work with children. Through the discussion circles in which the project is shaped, the children do not only exchange ideas but they also experience our pedagogical approach of integral education and communication.

Through an interactive and integrative collaboration, everyone can participate in the entire creative process, regardless of their degree of expertise or background. In this way, we want to enable the youngest to express and develop their creativity through the supervision and guidance of professionals. By welcoming ideas and inspirations on the theme of timelessness, we want to the palette of infinite possibilities to be much more accessible to the youngest. This would allow them to integrate such notions into their individual dimension and to build a broader vision of the world.

Our approach encourages children to strengthen their self-confidence, initiative mindset, self-esteem, and their ability of working in groups. What is surprising about children is that when they are caught up in the game, they do not pretend; they live the moment for real. It is in this environment that the transmission of the values of classical art and music becomes possible and a deeper artistic awareness is reached.

The greatest existential fears come from the fear of what is foreign and unknown to us and the greatest identity crises from the powerlessness to inscribe and articulate oneself within. Imagination and curiosity are the most precious tools to enable us to playfully grasp the imperceptible and unpredictable aspects of life. This leads us to experience our existence in a more serene way. 

The result of these encounters has, so far, allowed the project to benefit from a very complex, diversified, and rich palette of ideas that bring about sparkling musical creations! 

"A timeless and unique artistic experience"  

Anchor LXM
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