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IHUD (formerly known as IWRI) widely uses video communication to transmit the integral worldview. "A single minute of video is worth about 1.8 million words" (Forrester).

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BLOSSOM OF FUTURE SOCIETY Nature is a massive, complex, harmoniously designed, living household. By meddling in it and violating its laws, humanity is the only factor in nature that is inducing what is totally threatening humankind's existence. Since all nature is integral and completely interconnected, our impact on any of its parts affects all other parts. All of the crises we are facing in the world today are the consequence of our egoistic behaviour. Thus, two types of nature become clear: the globally interconnected ecosystem and the disconnected human nature, that lack interaction between the two. This creates both a toxic inner and outer climate with an ocean full of trash, for the next generation to come. Today, we can’t breathe anymore! Something must change. We can't go back anymore to what has been accepted as being normal. The crisis plaguing humanity stems from human activity alone; the cure here can only be found in the problem itself. If we want to create a better life, we need to bring into balance the relationship between humans and nature. “Man is a small world; the world is a great man.” FIRST OF ALL ECOLOGY AND ECONOMY MUST GO TOGETHER “Economy” and “Ecology” both from the Greek word “Ecos,” means “household.” In other words, Ecology is the science about how to arrange our household on the planet Earth, and Economy sets forth the rules by which this household should operate. Therefore, the entire economy must be reconstructed from being an economy of consumption to an ecologically correct economy – an economy of sensible consumption. We shouldn’t separate ecology from economy. By taking from nature only what our bodies need to live with understanding, and concern for one another, it will be possible to reach a state of balanced coexistence. We cannot exist in continuous opposition to one another, like family members who constantly fight but live under the same roof. We must do something about it. The internet lets us see how protest movements are growing and how our mutual communication influences one another. From ordinary citizens to governments, all humanity, is interested in taking this process under control and preventing its spontaneous development because modern weapons, plus an unpredictable course of events, can lead to disastrous results. Hundreds of millions of people are already losing work because of the crisis that is destroying all the industries that are not vitally important. We must understand that nature has no standard that it needs to follow. It is in constant balance. At times, that balance is achieved at a warmer temperature, and at times it is achieved at a cooler temperature, but thinking that we can manipulate it to suit our whims is nothing but pride and hubris. If we want to feel good in the surrounding nature, we need to adapt ourselves to it and not the other way around. Nature is integral and balanced. All things evolve according to their nature and establish a balanced system of relationships that enables them to thrive. We should not interfere with nature. If we try to tilt it according to our quirks, it will tilt us back against our will through countless manners of pushback against humanity. This is why education for adults is an essential component in this crucial time of our humanity. There needs to be creations of completely different systems of interconnection and communication between nations, organizations, and institutions. Today, more than ten thousand scientists worldwide are studying integral interactions. We have established a connection with many organizations that study this phenomenon and are developing educational tools based on research in this field, to contribute to the blooming of a harmonious future society. This is not because we simply want to do it, but because the natural process of human development has brought us to this point. Although integral education has a clearly defined approach, there needs to be a unique method for every group of people that takes into account their mentality, their language, and other factors—a different approach for different people. The solution must come from all of us acting as one society. Our entire good future depends on the environment we create today. Learn more about us ➡️ #iwri#integral education#evolution of humanity #climatechange#global change
The Winds of Global Change

The Winds of Global Change

At this time of crisis, as we all face a common threat the winds of change are blowing worldwide. Since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, we all feel that something has changed - we continue to move forward as before, and tomorrow is no longer secure. We try to go back to the old ways, but they no longer work. Where will this current situation lead us? Will the economy be able to rebuild and recover? Will we be able to re-establish normal social relations? To all the questions that arise, neither do governments, scientists, celebrities, artists or others have a clear answer to the massive upheavals that are taking place, and this creates a general atmosphere of uncertainty and chaos. People are taking to the streets around the world; the cry for freedom, justice, peace, and truth is growing louder and louder against lies, oppression, division, and inequality. Although knowledge is power and information liberates, education is the only premise of progress and remains one of the most powerful tools in the development of society. It has, therefore, become important to use integral education to get a profound understanding of our environment. The integral form of our nature is to use this knowledge more effectively by aligning ourselves with new emerging circumstances. It is the only path to a viable solution for the crisis humanity is facing today. In this transitional period, we need to acknowledge our interdependence and mutual responsibility for each other and join our forces, regardless of race, creed, and gender, by adapting our individual vision to an integral worldview. People will be able to distinguish themselves as equals from all other people of different backgrounds and overcome all barriers. We do not need another cure or another vaccine. Here the medicine is in the problem itself! It is the path of integration of opposites that leads us to an ever-higher level. This also means that we must never eradicate the opposites and suppress the special features of the other, for it is precisely the differences and opposites within us, and between us that are the springboard to evolution. While the winds of these tremendous changes feel now more like a hurricane instead of the first breath of a new emerging world, we keep in mind that after painful contractions, birth follows with the amazing dance and cry of joy in front of the new-born. Many initiatives are being launched to improve our global human conditions. We applaud the courage and efforts being made worldwide to bring about significant change, and we thank all those who are contributing to this. Let us support each other and we will succeed!
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