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Humanities Department is the IHUD’s home for foundational research of Humanities and Sciences. It supports integral thinking across all social disciplines, offering integral methodology based on the unity of the universal laws and leads interdisciplinary researches and learning programs for a better understanding of the world.

Social and Humanitarian Sciences 

IHUD’s  Humanities Department is the regular participant in research on the phenomena of universal evolutionism, integral consciousness, and worldview, as well as changes in education, training, and upbringing, which are part of the experimental work in the field of non-formal education in the context of lifelong education.

Strategic research areas are:

1. Social interaction as a key factor in the sphere of social consciousness  and humanity as a single integrated system.  

2. Formation of the structure for the future science of human culture

3. Study of changes in education, pedagogy,  and upbringing

4. Participation in research on the phenomena of universal evolutionism, consciousness, and worldview

5. Studying Philosophy of ideology and its integrality

6. Developing integral psychology

7. Developing the ontology of sociality

Universal laws and social development

- Integral development of culture and society

- The integral approach and the method of integral upbringing and education

- Evolution of the worldview in the paradigm of integral transformations of social consciousness

- Socio-cultural transformations

- Convergent technologies and models of modern scientific knowledge

- Culture and art in the structure of cognitive strategies

The core research results focus on:

  • Conceptual and terminological analysis of humanitarian knowledge

  • Transformation of social interaction as a factor in regulating social life

  • Reflection of reality in social consciousness 

  • Methods of integral education, pedagogy, and upbringing

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