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Future generations will judge us
not by what we say, but what we do.

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf


Global Level-Up Education (GLUE)

• Virtual-Real Camps • Integrative-Connection Methodology • Professional Training • Global Support for Families 

IHUD members share the view that the solution to the global crisis at all levels, spanning economic, social, and environmental issues, requires a new, comprehensive, global, and integrated education program.

In terms of globality, we are working to elaborate, promote, and implement this program in the international scientific and educational communities, through innovative uses of multimedia and virtual space forums in terms of meetings, webinars, virtual laboratories, avatar-based role-playing games, as well as full virtual world classrooms, field trips, and summer/winter camps. 

In terms of integration, we are working with our continually developing second-generation method of integral education/communication to be implemented in our 5 – 18 year old educational laboratory, Global Level-Up Education, or “GLUE.” Per our present thinking, still in the early research and assessment stage, so of course do expect significant “course corrections,” our method has four aspects: 

(1) Fractal, group integration of students

(2) Multidisciplinary group project-based, "fractal-self" directed learning

(3) Evolution into "emergence" of integral communication between the students

(4) Emergence in integrative education via empathy throughout the community

These begin as important evolutionary advances of state-of-the-art (SOTA) in best practices followed in education today. Such advances of SOTA include group learning, multidisciplinary project-based learning, and self-directed learning, incorporation of the Kolb Cycle and updated variants/expansions of Bloom’s taxonomy, group theater in general–particularly improvisation (“improv”), mutual role play, group mural work, group discussions, body language interpretation, emotional aperture measure, and  various aspects of social-emotional learning (SEL).  


However, we also see these as being at the border of a revolutionary breakthrough in education – one that we hope to cross. 

Fractal, group integration of students

Fractal, group integration of students, is an extension of student groups into two or three tiers in a system-like manner. The groups will not be independent and competing, but rather interdependent and in dynamic collaboration. The psychology hoped for is one of a multi-tier sense of self: "I" as an individual, "I" as part of a special task force, and "I" as the class as a whole. 

Multidisciplinary group project-based, "fractal-self"
directed learning

Multidisciplinary group project-based, "fractal-self" directed learning, is one of two dynamics for which the fractal group structure was created. The goal here is as complex as the name, but studies of natural systems and human group psychology imply that it is possible to achieve – the question is only to what extent?


Learn more about some important theoretical/empirical background from the following article.


Red and White Romantic Valentine’s Day Facebook Post (13).png


situations where the group cannot succeed if any member fails

Children Embracing in Circle


by means of the social environment and peer influence

Image by Sun Lingyan


appreciating individual differences and self-actualization of the individual as an essential part of the integral society

Children Studying Alphabet


connection, good relationships and positive attitude

Father and daughter at computer


enabling global, integral social processes

Children in the Garden


processes that use children’s natural wonder and curiosity 

Virtual Classrooms

Our focus is to nurture the development of a positive environment giving students optimal conditions for enhanced knowledge and learning.


We measure our progress in achieving our goals, by using various tools of assessment and verification of building these qualities: connection, good relationships, and positive attitudes.

We already have such tools in the real world - it’s time to bring them to the virtual world, also!

Learning through Adventure: Take a sneak peek into the future!


A virtual-real space situated in a virtual world, transcends the limitations of place. We identify and implement innovative technologies for education and training.

The instructor(s) look at the various subjects to be taught at grade level on an entire unit by unit basis, in a next generation advancement from “unpacking the standards.” A powerful integral workshop method that will be taught to students (at their level) from day one, will be applied here by instructors with the help of other qualified assistants. Firstly, all projected units of all subjects covered during the year will be laid out (literally, in collaborative graphics software). 


For instance, the first unit of each subject, the workshop brainstorms a project that seems to touch on as much of the core material as possible from all the subjects and spreads out from there, as well as being optimally interesting and fun for the age group involved. If that age group is 10 years old and under, that will be THE project; if for 11 – 13 year olds, multiple project proposals will be prepared; and if for 14 year olds or older, multiple projects will also be proposed, as well as a set of guidelines for students to optionally come up with their own proposals. These proposed projects are all still just stated in general terms as much as possible, based upon the age group; described in just a short paragraph, centered on some specially chosen social-emotional learning (SEL) theme -- something literally social and emotional, that “unites and excites.” It is desired to provide maximum flexibility.

For ages 10 and older:

The students will be given a list of projects and descriptions to choose from. Students who are 14 or older may propose their own projects within the guidelines for approval by the instructor. Projects will be voted on and those receiving zero votes will be eliminated.

A workshop-based approach will be taken to develop primary tasks, which will correspond to the original projects. Students will choose which primary task they would prefer to work on. If too few or too many students choose a primary task, the task's magnitude will be adjusted accordingly.

All subtasks must be completed before the next higher task level can integrate and complete up to the stage of the master project. The grading will be based on quality and speed, and both a class grade and individual grade will be assigned.

Appropriate recording methods will be established to accomplish this, possibly on a project-by-project basis.

10 up
For ages 10 and younger:

Again, there will be just a single project, and its division in primary and sub tasks down to individuals will be determined by the instructor–assistants’ workshop. However, the students will still have to volunteer for their tasks. Here the teacher will work directly with the students to adjust the tasks so that everyone is happy (or at least not upset).  


The most likely approach here is to actually have subtasks that are identical in framework but merely variations on a theme. For example the independent designs of an ideal park (with rides, zoo, playground or whatever the student’s imagination comes up with). Then the student will workshop to integrate this into a single, optimal, “mega-park.”

10 younger
Evolution into emergence of integral communication between the students

Evolution into emergence of integral communication between the students is the other dynamic. This communication in nature involves every available means: light, sound, pressure, chemical, scent, electricity, “head bonking,” and even fungus. At the modern human level, we have verbal and visual communication – both map into the virtual world, over time with technical developments and online cultural patterns, more and more.


The richness of verbal communication deepens with volume, pitch and intonation. Similarly the simple written visual is joined with acronyms, body language, and art. For both, in-crowd slang and nuance develops. Further, a “Je ne sais quoi” has been discovered in group psychology in recent years, named emotional aperture (EA). This is the ebb and flow of emotional state with its own tool based on video-based calibration/analysis for a given group of people, the emotional aperture measure (EAM). 


All this translates directly over the Internet, enhanced by emojis and emoticons, images and gifs, sound bites, and so forth, through social media, interaction at a vast group level of emotional and intellectual discourse on events, etc., and patterns of flow of influence across vast networks. 


What is hoped to be created in the above integration of the students and their learning is perforce of everyone seeking to be as helpful as possible and wanting the projects to flow smoothly - meaning coordination at different local and global levels simultaneously. We hope that we have thus seeded the development of a little community for the development of their own integral communication.

The Three Together

Although The Three Together may begin with self-interest as the driving force, their ultimate goal is to view the class as something greater than themselves. By working together, students can feel a sense of satisfaction in contributing to the group's success, which leads to eudaimonic happiness - a state of self-actualization and fulfillment that is less motivated by personal gain. Over time, this mindset transforms into an altruistic state where the class becomes the students' greater self, and they take pleasure in putting their all into the collective effort. Recognition and acclaim become secondary to the joy of contributing to something greater than themselves. Ultimately, this leads to a sense of unity and achievement similar to the Eureka phenomenon or the feeling of being "in the zone" during a test or athletic event.


This is something that everyone in the group tastes together, and it has a sweetness that no individual effort can provide. What is discovered on a non-emotional level is that all benefit from this arrangement, even the most talented do personally better because of it. This is inevitable because there isn’t competitive pressure to suppress the success of others, but rather to magnify it. To fully grasp it, consider this example from nature:


A school of fish is led by the strongest fish who have to be the breakers of the water in front and deal with the drag from the other fish in the school. Meanwhile in back, the weakest fish are effectively towed forward by the school. Why would the more powerful fish agree to this arrangement? Because it keeps the fish moving like a single huge body, and the protective advantage well outweighs the danger of being slowed down. In this way, natural communal evolution provides a social system that until now, humanity just couldn’t beat – a truly balanced social justice system where even the rich are better off. Free enterprise and socialism can finally shake hands.



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