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Education is the foundation upon
which we build our future.
– Christine Gregoire

A Unique Approach

The world we live in is a vast, wondrous, and intricate system. Every part of it is connected to and dependent upon all the other parts. ​While the perception of reality as separate elements, is divided into different topics in today's educational system, the integral view relates to the world as interconnected. It is the basis of Integral Education and defines our pedagogical approach. With our method, all subjects are presented in a “circular” perspective, illustrating its connection to each subject matter, rather than in separate topics in a “linear” fashion.

Through Integral Education, we are using all communication channels to develop a person. It offers an alternative approach to the understanding of human development, the evolution of society, and the interconnections between these processes.

Our interdependence and mutual responsibility are essential components for the building of a healthy environment and a prosperous future society. No organism survives unless its cells operate in harmony. Likewise, no ecosystem thrives if one of its elements is removed. We believe that the Integral Education approach offers one of the most viable tools for responding to the new global challenges, which humanity is facing today. 


Family Meal

The environment builds the person.

Family Meal

We are learning from nature because we are a part of it.

Walk in Nature

Our lives have a purpose.

Children Embracing in Circle

A successful human being is one who wants to bond.

School Girls During Workout

We learn best by examples.

School Girls During Workout

Games build a person and are the means to advance.

Outdoor Astronomy Class

Formative learning enables one to be inspired and then to learn.

Playing Chess

Everyone has a role in society.


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