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"Science and Education in the Formation of an Integral Worldview as an Evolutionary Necessity"


The purpose of the conference is to consolidate the efforts of scientists and specialists in the field of integral methodology and methodological synthesis aimed at identifying the unity of society, the formation of a stable environment for the harmonious development of Humanity in a single socio-cultural space.

Where Great Minds Reunite


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Conference Areas of Work/Topics

Methodological block 

• Philosophical foundations of the phenomenon of "unity" in science, methodology, social practice 

• Universal laws of development in the theory and practice of social action

• Society of the XXI century: systemic conflicts and the possibilities of their solution

• The theory of progress and the idea of one humanity

• Integral thinking and worldview synthesis 

• "Living consciousness" as the antithesis of digital consciousness

• The spiritual content of social progress

• Psychology and integral approaches to the study of human

• Spreading an integral worldview: goals, content, technologies


Social and humanitarian block 

• Technological "breakthroughs" of the second millennium and social welfare 

• The economy of the present and the future: civilizational strategies for achieving states

of stability and dynamic development

• Opportunities for global cooperation: a myth or a survival strategy.

• Man in the mirror of advanced technologies of genetic engineering and artificial intelligence 

• Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in social practice 

• GPT - modelling of images of the world and humans 

Culture and art

• Digital culture in the development of traditional culture 

• Literature and art in the knowledge, communication, and development of society

• Universal values of culture in the language of art


Specialised educational and pedagogical session

• An integral approach to the reform of the system of upbringing and education 

• Axiological potential of modern education 

• Education in the digital world: problems, strategies, technologies, and methods

• Educational and pedagogical practices

Join us and register now!


Check your time zone for Saturday here:

Check your time zone for Sunday here: 


The conference will be held on Zoom

(the link will be provided only to registered participants) with a Live broadcast on our Youtube channel @IHUDWORLD.

For more information, please contact us at

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