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Art for the sake of unity

Are we influenced by the field of consciousness between us or is it influenced by us? How do we harmonise our internal realities with the realities outside of us?
How do we co-exist without invalidating other forms of existence?
IHUD's Art and Culture Department is exploring a new form of a living art experiment. The project began in 2020 with the desire to let more creativity unfold, through connection and communication with each other, to bring more consciousness of unity into the world using art and science as a tool. 
Our experiment is, thus, to assess a new dimension of artistic collaboration, to reveal our internal connection into our external perception. At first glance, the external form of our creative actions, seems as artists painting a mural. Yet, internally lies the intention toward discovering common sensations to be revealed in a framework of individual expressions as variations on the common theme - art for unity’s sake.
In a one hour session, the participants are completely free to express their creativity without limits in any form. In each session, we use our emotions as colours to paint on the canvas, which is the space Between Us, while at the same time integrating all participants' forms of expression, without invalidating them.

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