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Futuristic Hallway


The Institute for Humanity's Unified Development (IHUD) is a non-profit international, scientific, educational, and cultural association, dedicated to the advancement and betterment of the human condition. Its goal is to initiate a worldwide transformation, envisioning humanity as a unified, prosperous living superorganism. This harmonious coexistence with nature is grounded in the widespread adoption of integral science, management, and education strategies.

IHUD's activities contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015. By ensuring quality lifelong learning among members of its community – and far beyond, our organization is engaged in the building of  a more peaceful, equitable and integral society.

Poster 2nd Pedagogigal conference (1).png
Poster 2nd Pedagogigal conference (1).png
Poster 2nd Pedagogigal conference (1).png
Poster 2nd Pedagogigal conference (1).png
Poster 2nd Pedagogigal conference (1).png

Our Vision

IHUD’s members share the view that the solution to the global crisis at all levels, spanning economic, social and environmental issues, requires a paradigm shift to a more comprehensive, global and integrated research and education program. We are working to elaborate, promote and implement this program in the global scientific and educational community, including the use of virtual space and multimedia platforms. 


Our activities further the promotion and integration of scientific knowledge and practical skills aimed at global unification of people, who are concerned about the fate and future of our world, in order to create a more unified, peaceful, and harmonious global civilization.

Our Mission

IHUD is committed to implementing a positive convergence of scientific knowledge available to society. The main objective is to foster a new level of understanding of the unity between the laws of nature and the development of models of educational activities to ensure the socialization and development of people in the new socio-cultural conditions of modern society and the emerging civilisational transformation.


Making an impact on Humankind’s future

Our Goals

The Immediate goals of IHUD are to conduct research in various scientific fields and socio-cultural activities based on an integral methodology and methods of constructive synthesis of scientific knowledge to substantiate new models of socio-cultural activities, cognition, upbringing, and education. The use of constructive and conceptual synthesis as a method allows the operation of mega system objects such as Nature, Society and Humanity.


The  Strategic goal is the synthesis and dissemination of integral knowledge about the Universe, Nature and Society as the basis for the formation of a more integral view of mankind.

Tasks for the implementation of the set goals:

  • Development of methods of practical application and use of knowledge in the field of integral methodology of cognition activities and interaction in society 

  • Creation, popularization, and development of psychological, philosophical, cultural, scientific, legal, educational, and other knowledge in the field of the formation of an integral society 

  • Organization and participation in events aimed at uniting humanity in accordance with universal laws of nature 

  • Assisting public, political and government figures in supporting the evolution of mankind into a more unified society


  • Taking initiatives on various issues of science, education, and social management

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