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April 1-2, 2023

International Conferences


Education in the Era of Change: Transformation without Destruction and Conflict


Replays of the Conferences

Conference Session 1 

Conference Session 2

Speaker by Speaker

Integral Thinking for the Development Educational System of the Society - Prof. Valentina Ilganayeva

Education and social consciousness - what kind of society are we building? - Prof. Vladimir Krasnov

From Oneself to Integrity - Prof. Lale Taner

Rountable discussion - Realizing our Dreams for Integral Education: Putting Theory into Practice

Connection and Community through Imagination: Imagined Communities as a Springboard for Integral Education - Prof. Marium Abugasea Heidt

Attaining Mental Health Requires a Confluence of Factors - Prof. Dr. Lucian Lucia

Presentation of the Book "Nature" for Children 3-6 Years Old -Tatiana Irbis

Integration Process: Randomness or Regularity? - Prof. Ivan Kornilov

Management of Mental States as a Condition for Adult Development - Dr. Svetlana L. Yaschuk

Numberless Theory and Circular Reasoning - Towards a Non Divisive Well-rounded Education Dr. Elliot Pines

Connection in the Classroom - Mary Irene Pennock

Teaching Teachers How to Teach Integral Education - Dina Cohen

Pres-mathletes Innovation to Escalate Numbers Arrangement Skills in Ascending Order among Preschoolers - Nur Dayini Binti Baharudin

January 25, 2023

Methodological Seminar

Integration as a Methodological Concept

in the Theory and Methodology of Research

The purpose of the seminar is to find out the content field of the concept of "integration" and its methodological significance.


During the seminar, questions of the methodological significance of the integral approach in science, the composition of the methodology for implementing the integral approach in research, education, and management were clarified. The basic definitions of integration, its nominative characteristics and the expansion of the content field of the concept, due to the development of integral research and inter-scientific methodological interaction were considered.

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The broad characteristics of integration were discussed: systemic, spatial, procedural, the use of which allows a deeper understanding of integration processes and the features of integration states. As a result of the discussion, it was possible to form an idea of the "matrix of the meaningful field of integration," which allows us to get an integral idea of the integration itself as a nonlinear, multi-vector process, and its phase states and stages. The discussion of the phenomenon of integration as a methodological concept led to the harmonization of ideas about integration, as a process and the result of creating an inextricably linked single whole of any form or system under study.


During the seminar, it was proposed to consider the goal of studying the integral approach - the formation of the ability to integral thinking in the unity of activity, cognition, and interaction in the space of being. The purpose of applying the integral approach in the theory or practice of scientific and educational activities is to reproduce the integrity of the world in a single picture, and include a person in it, reunite this integrity in the perceiving subject (individual, group, local or global community), form new schemes, algorithms, models of organization and management of social objects, and processes. To implement the integral approach, a step-by-step method of its application is considered.


In the final part of the seminar, the participants had the opportunity to discuss the importance of studying the methodology of the integral approach for the formation of research and educational programs for decision-making. But first of all, for ourselves to maintain integral thinking and use it in evaluating our activities.

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