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9 et 10 mai 2020

Conférences internationales


La solution aux problèmes mondiaux d'aujourd'hui par l'intégration dans la société, la science et la culture

IWRI e-conference.jpg

Replays des conférences

Séance de conférence 1

Séance de conférence 2

Orateur par orateur

Prof Ephraim Eliav : IWRI - Perspectives on Integral World Exploration

Prof. Valentina Ilganayeva - Integral image of the world : concepts, levels, management

Ms. Kerri Berkowitz - Building Positive Relationships in Schools

Mr. Adomas Davalga - Conditions for Integral and Inclusive Society

Dr. Leah Mandler - Disaster diplomacy: Covid-19 and International Relations

Prof. Vladimir Krasnov - On the theory of social gaps and social exclusion of organizations

Mr. Ernest Itzkovich - Implementation of Integral Education in Global Businesses

Dr. Alexander Angelov - Integral medicine in the era of global pandemics

Ms. Keren Levin - The Coronavirus as Nature’s “Aesthetic Supervision” Lens

Round Table, Closing the conference

5 et 6 décembre 2020

Conférences internationales


La solution aux problèmes mondiaux d'aujourd'hui par l'intégration dans la société, la science et la culture

2nd International Scientific E-conference (2).png

Revoir la conférence

Séance de conférence 1 

Séance de conférence 2

Orateur par orateur

Prof Ephraim Eliav - Research on the phenomenon of consciousness on the basis of an integral scientific paradigm

Dr. Valeria Khachatyryan - The problem of the future in modern science and the formation of integral

Ms. Inger Levitus - IIntegral art for everyone

Mr. Grigorij Notkin - Reality tunnel: from diversity to unity

Prof. Valentina Ilganayeva - Interaction as a factor of social and humanity integration

Ms. Keren Levin - Perspectives from within a Fun, Socially Oriented Virtual School Experiment

Dr. Akeem Onyekachi Ikwunze - Marriage: a critical aspect of family relationships in our world

Opening of the Second Session - Round Table

Maxim Savenkov - Methods for improving personal and social effectiveness of a person

Dr. Benzion Giertz - Back from the Brink: Inclusion-Based Dialogue Education for the New Reality

Prof. Vladimir Krasnov - Virtualization as a new challenge to human evolution

Dr. Simon D’Orlaq - Digital learning: for a global ethic in the educational system

Dr. Leah Mandler - Do you Trust your Neighbor? Coronavirus Resilience and Social Cohesion

Mr. Josiah Johnson Umezurike - Data redefinition for the integral world

Mr. Alex Zusin - Understanding Marriage and Relationships in the Global Era

Dr. Alexander Angelov - Integral medicine in the era of Pandemic

Dr. Elliot Pines - Lessons from infinity for Integral Education

Dr. Obioha Uwakonye - Generative Design, Profiling The Mathematics of Architecture and The Connectedness of Humans and Machine

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