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"The environment we choose determines our futurE."

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"Synergy at the level of all humanity, leads to the complete harmony of human society and nature."

Working in Office

What we do

IHUD's research and educational activities cover all the components of the life of society (history, economics, politics, science, upbringing, education, social consciousness, etc.). Our organisation has its own products, services, market, technologies to reflect the values and priorities of the entire world community.

Who we are

A global network of researchers and practitioners of education, culture, and technology, driven by a shared vision of connection as the basic factor of a safe and happy life on Earth. Our goal is to make a meaningful contribution to the development of a more interconnected society.

Networking Group

News &
Future Events

April 06-07, 2024



"Science and Education in the Formation of an Integral Worldview as an Evolutionary Necessity"

Virtual conference on integral science organized by IHUD to promote global unity and education

The purpose of the conference is to consolidate the efforts of scientists and specialists in the field of integral methodology and methodological synthesis aimed at identifying the unity of society, the formation of a stable environment for the harmonious development of Humanity in a single socio-cultural space.

 November 1, 2023

Announcement: Embracing Unity and Progress – Our Name Change to IHUD
IHUD members actively promoting global unification for a more harmonious and unified global civilizatio

In a world where divisions seem to grow, The Institute for Humanity's Unified Development (IHUD) emerges as a beacon of hope and transformation. Formerly known as the Integral World Research Institute (IWRI), our journey towards unity and interconnectedness takes a significant step with our name change.

For over five years, we have been dedicated to uniting humanity under a shared vision. Our pedagogical approach, rooted in Integral Education, breaks free from conventional boundaries, presenting knowledge in its true interconnected form. IHUD is committed to building a world that thrives on interdependence, diversity, and the symphony of human society and nature.

In a constantly evolving world, change is not a challenge; it's an opportunity for growth. We invite you to join us on this transformative journey. With your support, we aim to create a more resilient, prosperous, and sustainable future for all, ensuring a legacy that resonates with the essence of IHUD's mission – unity, interconnectedness, and compassion.

December 2023

IHUD's Art & Culture Team launches new  "Between Us" sessions

Are we influenced by the field of consciousness between us or is it influenced by us? How do we harmonise our internal realities with the realities outside of us? How do we co-exist without invalidating other forms of existence?

Integrality – The Way of Reconciliation of Science and Education

Anytime, Anywhere

Graphic representation of IHUD's online research publications, contributing to global knowledge and unity.
Science and education should become main transfer subsystems of social consciousness to a new level of the development of human civilization. Only by the dissemination of integral worldview humanity can prepare our world to a new perception.

Online Media Resources & Publications

Discover all our products (forms of information presentation) printed, video clips, sound recordings and many more.

Explore More

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Our innovative group-connection, internalized learning methodology combines experiential activities in a safe, virtual real environment where teachers morph into guides. Our experienced global educators present core subjects in a multidisciplinary, group project-based format of themed stories, games, “round-table” discussions or workshops, and a supportive surrounding mix of related fun activities. 

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Our stimulating, diverse, and expanding online course offerings are continually updating and developing. Please explore our catalog, and avail yourself of this opportunity to become familiar with some of the many facets of Integral Education and Communication Methodology.


The integral communicative approach sees the world as an interconnected system in communication laterally and over organizational scale. This concept is the basis of integral education and communication, and defines a next generation approach beyond standard concepts of integral education in the school, and even child rearing in the home.

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Academics, educators, and professionals from across the globe and diverse disciplines, join together in the spirit of our emerging integral human society. They share perspectives of this hopeful world of tomorrow from the standpoint of their expertise, as well as approaches in dealing with the great challenges of today.

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IHUD’s Art & Culture Department is launching new projects that strive to promote intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity. Inspired by the latest research studies about the perception of reality and the evolution of consciousness, we aim to explore the infinite possibilities of creative expression through the scientific data.

Patentability Search

IHUD is here to serve the research community by publishing its most significant discoveries — findings that advance knowledge of the emerging new world and address some of the greatest challenges that we face as a society today. 

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